IITs and school education

Union Minister for Human Resource Development Mr. Kapil Sibal's this statement, has cropped issues related to schooling in India. Yielding to the pressure, Mr. Sibal overturned and said that the issue will be left to the hands of the IIT Council. Not only the premier IITs, the next graded NITs have also taken up the issue of raising the qualification marks.

The issue brought out the grip of muffling coaching centers in the school education. Some IIT aspirants even quit school and join the coaching centers. They can privately prepare for their board examinations which demands only 60 percent marks.

I recollect the hay days of my school education. I am from south Tamil Nadu. I should say that education system was rather bad. Teachers in the school often run their own tuition centers. They won't complete the syllabus in the school. The inclusion of the laboratory internal marks had a real stranglehold on the students. Teachers urge the students to join the tuition centers run by them or else the internal marks will be obliterated. But I should admit, the teachers were really loyal to their tuition centers and the coaching was spot-on. During weekdays we attended the tuition centers run by our school teachers. During weekends we ran to the coaching centers for entrance examinations. It was all about running !! Now I love running maybe it started there.

The Tamil Nadu government saw this and had abolished the TNPCEE (Tamil Nadu state entrance examinations). I should say that this move almost eliminated all the entrance examinations coaching centers in our town. They are either converted to tuition centers or they are out of existence. The TN government is also smart, that it asked the HSC teachers not to run their own tuition classes. Though it still remains a plea and has not made as a rule, and even today the teachers are still cashing on tuition class I am glad that the government is atleast aware of the situation.

The central government is rather late in bringing up this issue. I firmly believe that the very existence of private coaching centers itself proves that there is something wrong in the education provided at schools. To add, if all these CBSE school syllabus is framed by central board why are we having entrance examinations for central government ran institutions? I relate this to software, the person who designs should be part of the coders arena. Otherwise he will not be knowing how his design is creating shackles. The board for school education and the IIT council should have some common personnel representation.

People say that coaching centers take that extra care and ensure success. Believe me! it is not about the extra care, it is about the shortcoming of the schooling education across the country. Unless we make the HSC score as the single selection criteria, we will not be able to solve the shortcoming of the school education. Unless you solve the problem at grass root level, it is not solved. To magnify the worries, it is happening at the education system and at the grass root level. It really is a national issue.


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