Organizations and labels

Today morning I was conversing with my roomie. He told about the infosys HR guy who killed his wife. I am seeing such news often. Though, the reason for this cause-célèbre is very personal, the reports about it attach the organization for which the person is working for.
Job has become an identity in our society and is an indispensable aspect in the perception about a personality. Today, I googled "wife murder" and below are the results I got.

Another article that I read yesterday brags IT employees' friday groove. In 1980s, during my childhood days, there was a guy in my neighborhood who was working as a teacher in a state government school. He was skilled in hindi and music. He used to run private hindi and music classes and was very popular in our area. We used to call him "Hindi Sir". His mainstream job was never part of the label attached to him. We know him as a person who runs hindi tuition. I believe he did that with passion, got famous and hence earned the label.
Situation now has changed. I have seen legion of IT personnels who are trekkers, musicians, bloggers, movie buffs and other streams which they are very passionate about.  In spite of that, labels of organization are attached to them once they are part of public news. The news about the friday groove is an example of that. Same is the scenario even if they get recognized because of such private activities.
You are the identities to yourself, created by your inner world. But, these are the samples of what organization (in which you are part of) can do to you. They attach the popular label through which outside world like to address you. And alike every path this notion also has at least two directions. The organizations should also be aware of the fact that the employees are very indispensable part. They can make or break things.
I pity the infosys guy who killed his wife. Poor planning! may be Infosys' way of doing things.


RM said…
"... may be Infosys' way of doing things."

Earlier there was the case of the Infosys guy who made a hoax call about a bomb so he could catch the plane.

I suppose both were selected for great problem solving skills.
May be the HR guy is well acquainted with the term "Termination" and he solves all his problem by the same nature. I too pity him not for his poor planning but for his folly nature of applying his professional thinking in his personal life. An eye opener for many ..... Good topic anna

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