Nowadays, he's even into television shows. the other day I was watching NCIS (CSI-like show) and the plot was about Al-qaeda activists trying to kill a naval officer.
I never thought ppl could get famous like this.
One day we may talk of 'The Legend of Osama Bin Laden - The man who brought the twin towers down cos he couldnt reach the top'
When it comes to lifting weights, everyone has an opinion. One day you hear heaving heavy weights will leave you looking like a linebacker (it won't). The next day, rumor has it that supermodel limbs are a mere 10 minutes away thanks to the Miracle Machine du jour (not in this lifetime). The fact is, those little hand weights aren't the only dumbbells lurking around your gym. If all this conflicting information is enough to make you burn your jog bra and bag working out altogether, fear not: We sought out two of the most in-the-know pros in the fitness industry to clear up your confusion once and for all. 1. If you lift weights, you'll bulk up. "It's physiologically impossible," says Michael Wood, director of the Sports Performance Group in Cambridge, Mass., and an exercise physiologist at Tufts Research Center on Aging. The reason? Testosterone is responsible for a muscle's bulk, and women simply don't have enough of this predominantly...
Today morning I was conversing with my roomie. He told about the infosys HR guy who killed his wife. I am seeing such news often. Though, the reason for this cause-célèbre is very personal, the reports about it attach the organization for which the person is working for. Job has become an identity in our society and is an indispensable aspect in the perception about a personality. Today, I googled "wife murder" and below are the results I got. Another article that I read yesterday brags IT employees' friday groove . In 1980s, during my childhood days, there was a guy in my neighborhood who was working as a teacher in a state government school. He was skilled in hindi and music. He used to run private hindi and music classes and was very popular in our area. We used to call him "Hindi Sir". His mainstream job was never part of the label attached to him. We know him as a person who runs hindi tuition. I believe he did that with passion, got famous and hence e...
After the bloggo mania hit me, I was searching for options to enhance and popularize this whitesheet but just couldn't get over creeping up assignments and a trip to my hometown. But got some good advises from my friend to pep up things for my blog. So started leaving comments in some blogs which I found on Swahilya's blog. Started the process(!) from Ganesh's (the name certainly has the magic...seems there might be atleast 10 popular "Ganesh" bloggers) and got the reply from him on mine, the first success uhha...! While googling "popular indian blogger", got into Vikramarumilli's blog. Great that many are competing for the popularity. Thanks to Vikram added PageRank extension to my firefox. Bit disappointed to know that my whitesheet is unable to get a rank but my tamil version doing its job with "3". Next measure in "popularizing" is of course as expected is linking to some blogs. Now I am having a handful (14 to be ...
I never thought ppl could get famous like this.
One day we may talk of 'The Legend of Osama Bin Laden - The man who brought the twin towers down cos he couldnt reach the top'