Wants, urges, climbing ladders and fixing targets
Sometime back I was reading a book on human mind. I should say it was a good read. It dealt about wants and urges of mankind. I read that in our pursuit for something, at the dawn of the journey we are bound to take decisions based on what we are seeking. As more steps get underway, the experience drawn from previous steps decide the course of our travel. Its simply like climbing up a ladder. Fix the target first. Take one step at a time. Be careful that your current step is firmly placed. Take care while you move ahead, and reach the target. Alas! but ladders are not without snakes!
The key point in climbing the ladder is we need to fix the target first. Fixing target needs careful analysis, We should analyze the problem space, decide what we want, fix the target and place the ladder. Once we fix the ladder we start moving ahead. Remember, ladder cannot be locomoted when you are on it. When you start climbing, be sure that the target is fixed.
I have experienced this, when I try a new thing, I start travelling towards it. When I get to know about something related, I try to know about that too. That leads to another related thing and the journey goes on. Sometime after, I sense that I have totally lost track of what I initially wanted. Believe me! It happens! Its the urge of human mind to get to know about related things. We want something, the urge keeps us going, and when we stumble on a related new thing the urge also changes. So, all such 'getting hand on related things' should happen before fixing a target. If it goes on after the target is fixed, you want the ladder to be locomoted and to your pity you are on it.
Wants should get the priority over urges. Decide on what you want. That should act as the stimuli to your urge. If the urges stimulate your wants then it is disaster ahead. This often happens because you are not sure of what you are seeking. Absence of vision leads to alternatives to objectives. What else, they are just alternatives and not objectives. So, you are totally lost even before you start. So, fixing up what you want is a key step. It is hard and so it needs to be done. If you go by urges, at some point of time, you may come across 'many things' but won't know what you want. Apparently, unless you know what you want, you cannot get anything.
The target you fixed initially should act as the driving force towards the destination. You may feel the urge to get disrupted, but if the focus is on the target then it can make you move ahead. If not, ladder is of no use and you are wandering and not climbing.
The key point in climbing the ladder is we need to fix the target first. Fixing target needs careful analysis, We should analyze the problem space, decide what we want, fix the target and place the ladder. Once we fix the ladder we start moving ahead. Remember, ladder cannot be locomoted when you are on it. When you start climbing, be sure that the target is fixed.
I have experienced this, when I try a new thing, I start travelling towards it. When I get to know about something related, I try to know about that too. That leads to another related thing and the journey goes on. Sometime after, I sense that I have totally lost track of what I initially wanted. Believe me! It happens! Its the urge of human mind to get to know about related things. We want something, the urge keeps us going, and when we stumble on a related new thing the urge also changes. So, all such 'getting hand on related things' should happen before fixing a target. If it goes on after the target is fixed, you want the ladder to be locomoted and to your pity you are on it.
Wants should get the priority over urges. Decide on what you want. That should act as the stimuli to your urge. If the urges stimulate your wants then it is disaster ahead. This often happens because you are not sure of what you are seeking. Absence of vision leads to alternatives to objectives. What else, they are just alternatives and not objectives. So, you are totally lost even before you start. So, fixing up what you want is a key step. It is hard and so it needs to be done. If you go by urges, at some point of time, you may come across 'many things' but won't know what you want. Apparently, unless you know what you want, you cannot get anything.
