Pink chaddi

The valentine's day is over. Actually I wanted to oppose Ram Sena but could never imagine one like the Pink Chaddi Compaign. Its not a sort of opposing that Ram Sena could have expected. We were discussing about the compaign and one of our friends asked why Pink? Another replied, "Its the colour of fools" (but I really don't know from where he read that) and another pointed out that it is regarded as the colour of feminism (this might be of some relevance to the compaign). Well ! the compaign has been really given some thought :)

Many women have written about the campaign. I liked the articles written by Suchitra Krishnamoorthy and by Sagarika Ghose. Suchitra writes

I understand your intention dear “pinkchaddicampaigner”, but If you want to become a goddess please dont behave like a whore.

For Gods sake …Look at Pramod Mutaliks (the Sri Ram Sene chief’s) face… and lets ignore him for the bully and loser he is. He dosent merit all this fuss. Does he deserve something as beautiful and precious as your underwear?As a woman dont you think you should be particular about who sees your panties?

The libbers who burnt their bra’s in the sixties realized too late that it was a garment meant to keep their boobs from falling to the ground. Those who kept their bras on still walk tall.

Sagarika writes

Maybe India’s young, instead of trying to be like characters from Sex In The City, should try to emulate Sarojini Naidu and Jawaharlal Nehru. While the ghastly cultural hoodlums must be dealt with sternly by the law, the lifestyle norms we choose, especially in public, must be attuned to our surroundings.

If we persist in trying to create a mindlessly imitative mythical Las Vegas, we will not be able to defeat the Sri Rama Sene, however many pink panties we may throw at them.


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