Economic gourds!

When I was born, the 1 paisa was already demonetized (rounded off\decoinized). My life started when 5 paisa was still legal. I have all of these coins in the pic. In addition, have few annas as well. Both of my grandfathers used to say "ettanna" (eight anna) and "naalanna" (four anna). Apparently, my first pocket money was nalanna given by my dad for a bubble gum (big fun with cricket scores wrapped over it) during my first standard. Machaan when pronounced in tamil means brother of wife (brother-in-law). This is the relationship version. There is this farming version as well; whereby people have support sticks mostly of bamboo grounded for the vines to spread easily. In short multi-layer farming. Dad was good at both the versions. We used to get more than 10 gourds daily during seasons (mostly we harvest during December and January). Neighbors were bored of gourds and so my task was to give some of the gourds to a shopkeeper in exchange of some money. ...