The public peek

Having read this, I have some questions.

  • How the hell the US scientists and so called Prof. J Alex Halderman was given access right to the voting machine?
  • What are they trying to prove especially by tampering the Indian voting machine?
  • What Deputy Election Commissioner, Alok Shukla is trying to defend especially the hack has been announced in public?
  • Shouldn't it be considered cross border terrorism?


Yes, of course it is highly a cross border terrorism over our technology development. My eyebrow raises on the question as what significance was there for that US scientist to hack a Indian voting machine? Was the US scientists was lured for money by the bad guy (as he referred) in India and does he personally changeling Indian Administration techies? Both ways, its highly a crime to tamper in to Indian Administration process but what surprised me is that India has been always a prey for most hacking.

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