Tsunami: The Killer Wave
We feel tired by working continuously, how long she can work continuously? Whenever she feels tired she just relaxes herself and relaxes her muscles too. She is none other than our earth. When she relaxes her muscles slightly we have to face some devastating situations. One such terrible effect is Tsunami. Here is what wikipedia says about Tsunami... Why have to fear about this killer wave? Pictures speak more than words. The above picture depicts the effects of this killer wave. This wave is really terrible and makes the living across the coastal regions hard. Why a country like India does does not have alert systems? If this is the case then why peninsular countries like India didn't have a Tsunami warning system or an alert system. Might be the complacency speaking its words ! Is that costs relatively higher? We are going to be a developed nation by 2020. Are we going to make a nation developed without providing the basic amenities like protection from natural calami...